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25 minutes of Vans Europe destruction with 'Tom's Tales'
Fucking hell Vans Europe! That really ought to suffice as far as the text for this post goes but Google doesn't accept honest exclamations of sheer shock and awe so bear with me. Released today under the moniker of 'Tom's Tales' - the clip above features the Vans Europe crew absolutely decimating spots everywhere from Athens to Paris. And when I say 'decimating' I'm not being hyperbolic - the skateboarding on this clip is absolutely mind-bendingly good. Spot diversity, the number of countries involved, the variety of styles and types of skating covered: this really does have everything. In an age where skate videos are free and nobody pays for anything, I can honestly say that if Vans Europe decided to bring this out on a DVD, I'd buy it. This is how you make a team video people - Vans do it again. Book ended with full sections (more or less) from Martino Cattaneo and Victor Pellegrin (both of who absolutely go in) - regardless of whether you like beautiful Parisians in next level fits bouncing off walls, or you prefer sweaty moshers doing the unthinkable and nearly smashing into cars at 20 mph - you're covered. Seriously cannot praise Vans Europe and co enough here. A masterpiece. Some of these names might be new to some of you - some of them won't be but for the sake of giving due props - here's the roll call of names: Martino Cattaneo, Pepe Tirelli, Yellen Moens, Joseph Biais, Val Bauer, Oscar Candon, Mika Germond, Robin Bolian, Jan Hoffman, Hugo Westrelin, Roberto Aleman, Thanos Panou, Sam Partaix, Kris Vile, Dustin Dollin, Chris Pfanner, Daniel Lutheran, Axel Cruysberghs, Albert Nyberg, Alexey Krasniy and Victor Pellegrin. Honestly - stop reading this and go watch it. And then watch it again. During the process of writing this it occurred to me that during the Covid-19 carnage we somehow forgot to post another Vans backed recent video masterpiece too - this time in the form of the first ever all-female Vans production, (that's all female riders, filmer/editor and photographer). Shameful oversight on our behalf really. I'll punch myself in the face as soon as I've finished typing - promise. If you somehow managed to miss Credits - you can wise your selves up here. Featuring the talents of Breana Geering, Una Farrar and Fabiano Delfino plus a host of other female rippers including our very own Helena Long. Go peep - don't sleep.