From the man who brought you the Sabotage series of videos and countless hours of Philadelphia footage comes this true masterpiece. Brian Panebianco is one of the most prolific and cultural important of all modern filmers. He documented the final Love Park era and was still filming on the last pieces of the place whilst over budget Cali retards were trying to turn their spot into a circus. He has augmented the careers of everybody from Josh Kalis to Palace skateboard's Jahmir Brown with his relentless street missions. He also captured probably the last of Philly's Muni footage prior to its demolition and re-birth as the Thomas Paine Plaza with skateboarding designed in. Brian is the go-to guy when it comes to Philly skate culture, hence his involvement in both the LOVE Malmo project and the current revamp of Muni as a skateable plaza space - you can read more about that here.
Suffice to say - if it's got Brian Panebianco's name attached to it then your attention is most definitely required. Those in the know will not be disappointed - DC shoes everywhere, ledges lines a plenty and a list of cameos to make your head spin: Josh Kalis, Jahmir Brown, Wade Desarmo, Will Marshall and new Baker pro Brian O'Dwyer to name just a few. The main meat of 'Not bad!' focuses on three skaters - Dylan Sourbeer, Kevin Liedtke and the genuinely superhuman pop of Quel Haddox. All three rip tech madness at Mach 10 but for me, it's Quel Haddox's supernatural pop reminiscent of a cross between Kyle Wilson and Marcus McBride that takes the biscuit. This guy can half cab heel twice as high as you can ollie. Absolutely bonkers. If watching this has you fiending for chunky DC's then look no further than here as we've just about to receive a massive DC drop to accompany the mad amount of crepes we already hold. Watch this and then go and backside flip a police car off the flat. 'Not bad!' - more like absolutely outstanding!