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Christmas multi-post: Chris Joslin, Tom Penny and Dan Fisher-Eustance

Christmas multi-post: Chris Joslin, Tom Penny and Dan Fisher-Eustance

24 hours left before we begin the next 'it's almost Christmas cycle' so we figured we might as well dose you up with some entertainment. First off - here's the latest, typical bonkers release from everybody's favourite hucking machine Chris Joslin. This full and completely outrageously gnarly part is named 'Joyce' and is dedicated to Joslin's grandma who recently passed away. If you're a Chris Joslin fan already then you will love this. If you're not, then you will be by the end. Unadulterated send from the minute it starts. Rest in peace Joyce.



Next up is the latest release from long-time friend of shop Dane 'Morph' Crook via his Piffsticks brand. This one's Barcelona heavy with tons of Tom Penny, Flo Marfaing and various other heads. Do you need another reason to watch?

And last, but by no means least is the latest Christmas Even release from Free mag featuring adidas Skateboarding, HUF and Chocolate Skateboards representative Dan Fisher-Eustance. This is brilliant - watch and enjoy.

Merry Christmas all! See you on the other side.

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