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June video round up Sour Solution 3, Welcome 2: Hell, Habitat Burrow

With the enforced celebration of rich Germans fast approaching, we thought it time for a June video round up. May saw heavy drops from all manners of sources including The Sour Solution 3, Welcome 2: Hell and Habitat Burrow. Just these three alone are bonkers really. So, chuck your Pimms out and get your eyes ready. First up (up there) is the third installment from The Sour Solution who (for those unaware) is pretty much the most talented group of skaters on the planet. Filmed and edited by Sour pro and supernaturally gifted skater Gustav Tønnesen, Sour solution 3 is a piss-take. There should be no need to hype this up: if you haven't already watched it, please do so now. Alongside the insanely talented Scandinavians, Sour also plays host to the UK's own Barney Page who has an incredible part. Go watch! Next up in our June video round up is Habitat Burrow, a 7 minute 20 second expose of just how incredibly good Silas Baxter-Neal is, despite being 38. The thumb nail alone should draw you in here - this is quality output from the most unassuming Thrasher Mag SOTY ever. Following the 38-year-old hippy dad is Japanese ripper Mami Tezuka who's just turned pro for underground US brand Blood Wizard. My man currently boxing my toilet pipes in upstairs informs me that Chris Gregson has taken over the reigns of Blood Wizard. That probably explains the crazy filming - either way Mami is yet another female destroyer from Japan making global waves. Go peep the shapes on her smith grinds. Last but by no means least in this June video round up is Welcome 2: Hell, the second full-length video from our skater-owned friends over the Pennines, Welcome skate store. You'll probably have heard some of the fully justified hype about this already but if not, go have a look at Thrasher's instagram. It's worth it for the thick as fuck Insta comments alone. My personal favourites: '4/10 not enough Nora' and 'everything is ABD, delete the whole team'. Lelz. Big up the Leeds crew and Josh Hallett on the cams. Skater-owned-shops fucking rule! June video round up
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