Hopefully you've all seen the new Volcom 'Holy Stokes' video by now, if you haven't then it is available to purchase on itunes as we speak for just £6.99. A bargain for one of skateboarding's latest videos. As expected Holy Stokes features Louie Lopez, who has been a member of the Volcom team since he was a little nipper. His part on it is possible one of the best on there from my point of view. He definitely isn't the small kid we all know him as anymore. His style has evolved massively and now thanks to Thrasher Magazine you can watch his Louie Lopez's "HOLY STOKES!" Over Stokes video. It features footage that was used in Holy Stokes but then you've also got some clips that have never been seen before until now. This raw 10 minute watch is incredible and if you aren't hyped by the end then something must be up.