Nike SB Constant - new Nike SB video with heavy UK presence
Nike SB Constant, what's in a name eh? Constant as in 'constantly releasing content'? Constant as in, 'fuck Covid, Nike SB are still out filming?' Maybe even, 'Nike SB Constant, because there are mad rumours online'. I'm guessing it could be any/all of the above to be honest. If you pay attention to Instagram comment threads or the Slap forum then you might be aware of some of these Swoosh developments. Global brand leads moving on, ex Blueprint pros leaving, Olympians not wearing Nikes any more, etc.
Ultimately none of the above really means that much to the likes of you and I but it's always interesting to speculate isn't it?
Nike SB would've been hard-pressed to drop a stronger two finger salute to the scurrilous rumours mentioned above than
with this video. This piece serves up 30 minutes of severe pisstake skateboarding. And when I say 'pisstake' I genuinely mean it.
This has to be hands down the most inclusive and diverse video Nike B have ever put out. From massive transition to manuals, a truly eclectic squad guarantees this a spot on the 'web clips that qualify as actual videos' list.
Grant Taylor kicks things off and shares the intro with Eric 'I'm funny honestly' Koston before Primitive ubermensch Carlos Ribeiro blows the doors off. This dude is supernaturally talented - so much innovative rail tech, crazy lines and the most composed style. Truly astounding. Sean Malto pops up during this barrage of Brazilian technicality, (weirdly set to a remix of Kenny Reed's tune from New Deal's 'Seven Year Glitch') but whatever: it's cool to see Malto back again.
From there we are straight into an epic UK section featuring Atlantic Drift and Swoosh representatives Kyron Davies, Korahn Gayle, Casper Brooker, Kyle Wilson and Chris Jones. This is amazing to see - all five hold their own amidst probably the heaviest Nike SB video ever made so mad props to the lads. Buy Korahn a pint next time you see him.
Following the Uk contingent is Daan van der Linden who has been stuck on the injury bench a lot since joining Nike. As such, I'm unsure whether the footage on Nike SB Constant is old or new but either way, it's a reminder why he's just dropped his own fishing themed shoe. Ridiculous.
The bangers just keep on exploding with a solid Australian section featuring all manner of heads. Likewise, Nike SB's female team get plenty of shine with Nicole Hause in particular dropping heavy street and transition footage alongside Elissa Steamer BGPs. Can't ask for more can you?
Rightful holders of the Nike SB Constant curtains are Polar Skate Co pro and qualified Swedish Olympian Oski and the superhuman Grant Taylor. It's pointless to even begin to try and express how off the charts this section of the video is. Jaw dropping, literally. Just go watch it - you'll soil yourselves.