Well the skateboard rumor mill has been bubbling away on this one for a while now. And as the dust settles and when all's said and done Daan Van Der Linden chooses the Swoosh to leave his long time home of Vans for Nike Sb.
You can only imagine what the Slap forums (other skateboard forums are available) bandwidth is like on this one as every man and his dog will have an opinion. Personally for me (and that stands for sod all) it boils down to shoes to put on his feet along with paying some bills plus having a blast along the way. Remember all footwear brands whether sports giants, part of huge corporations or legitimately skater owned they are all actual "business's" who have riders to endorse products to try sell more products, end of.
The bit that works great for us skateboarders is that we reap the benefits from these brands pushing riders in our face in terms of coverage. Imagine if Daan Van Der Linden only ever stayed skating down his local car-park and he was never given the opportunity to skate the best spots in the World for his and our entertainment...
Well, form your own opinion but I like how skaters at the top of their game can get payed 'real' money nowadays. It's been said before but look at footballers, basketball players etc... them guys seriously will never work a real job after their career and why shouldn't it be so for skateboarders who could have life ending (never mind career) injuries at any given moment. Hats off to any skaters getting paid and being given the opportunity to progress what we all love doing. Without this progression of skateboarding we'll never get to see where this crazy ride will take us next.
Anyway, enough of the ramblings of an old man! Get your view on below as Daan Van Der Linden is seriously one of the best out there right now. Be sure to expect more Daan / Nike Sb style footage forthcoming in the very near future.
Shop Nike Sb - https://www.blacksheepstore.co.uk/nike-skate-shoes.html
Follow Daan Van Der Linden Instagram