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Seb Batty Welcome To The Black Sheep

  This may not be Manchester's best kept secret but what are you going to do when Seb's out skating every single day in and around the city rocking Black Sheep this and that. Also we've held back this edit thinking it'd be dope to do a little interview to introduce Seb properly as he's really a new comer to our UK shores but with the best intention and fellow Wigan pie rat Rikk Fields supposedly conducting said interview things just went adrift, or probably more appropriately 'Up In Smoke!'   So it's down to me to give you some what of a little introduction to the latest member of The Black Sheep Family - Seb Batty ! Basically he's a full on 110% skate rat, out on his board till all hours of the night every single day and obviously when you've got the addiction that bad it's going to come across in your skating as it does all so true with Seb. If your one of the few who's managed to witness Seb cruising down the cage then you'll know his consistency and style dripping trick bag can only be attained with such commitment. When not skating you'll probably find him hot boxing the hell out of his car or just hanging out at the store trying to be understood with his hella mixed up accent (this is due to living all over the world and not cause of the fact he resides in Wigan.)    In short we're stoked to have Seb come ride with us and I know he'd like to thank Dwindle Distribution UK for hooking up the Enjoi flow status.   More to come from this one...... if he don't disappear back to Honk Kong (and who could blame him, you've all seen their spots right!)   Tez   http://youtu.be/QTleAx1gVzc    

Big thanks to Isaac Wilkinson for the edit and photo's. See more of Isaac's work at www.blogsandbiscuits.blogspot.co.uk/

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