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Tom Knox rides for Krooked skateboards officially
After months of speculation and the seeming demise and then rebirth of Isle skateboards in the aftermath of Atlantic Drift not becoming a brand, it is now official. Tom Knox rides for Krooked skateboards. It's a Slap forum meme to say 'he'd fit well on Krooked' but in this case the reality that Tom Knox rides for Krooked skateboards surprised nobody. Really it was more a collective sign of relief that one of the best had ended up somewhere fitting. With Casper Brooker now pro for Baker, seeing that Tom Knox rides for Krooked skateboards, an equally venerable institution, means that all is well. Big up Tom Knox (both of them). The clip above that officially announces Tom on the team is a standard banger, featuring the man himself plus a brace of footage from the rest of the crew and some hella good shit from Ronnie Sandoval. All filmed in the Bay area - this one will make you smile. I think we forgot to post this other recent bit of Tom Knox footage too actually so why not? Released by The Skateboarder's Companion a few weeks back, this was the first sighting of Tom Knox on a Krooked board which obviously set the message boards alight. It also showcases the incredible Pitt St skatepark in a converted Sainsbury's in Portsmouth. In unconnected news (other than it being sick) is the latest video from Free Skate Mag featuring Finnish uber-ripper and Dr Spock look-a-like Eniz Fazliov. The clip is entitled 'Can't Front' and you certainly can't as big man is still absolutely killing it. There's a lot of very heavy skateboarding in here. Go watch it NOW. Finally, is Fourstar back? If it is, can we have another team video like Super Champion Fun Zone please? If it's not back then what does this latest Lakai x Fourstar video release mean? Is that the sun? Oh dear God please let it be warm and dry again. Please!