Eddie Belvedere
Eddie Belvedere was born and raised in Salford but is currently situated down south in Cornwall. He moved there a few years back and surprised a fair few by attending University later on in his life.

It was probably a good decision too as he often spent his earlier years skating every day or out on the lash with the infamous Manchester crew, PUMF. He has played a big part in our history at The Black Sheep Store and I'm sure some of you may remember him from when he used to hold the fort at Central Skatepark. He was also one of our four riders that won the European Vans Shop riots in Paris, 2011. Not only was it the Shop Riots but he has often taken 1st place in various competitions over the years including the Volcom Wild in the parks contest that was held last year. Besides the comps Eddie is known for being a fanatic street skateboarding hobbit, producing more video parts over the years than any other UK skateboarder. There's word of him having a part in a new Cornish video that will be released later this year so keep those eyes peeled for that as I'm sure it'll be one to add to the DVD collection.

At the minute Eddie's sponsors consist of Death Skateboard, Vans, Dickies Europe, Theeve Trucks, Pig Wheels and obviously The Black Sheep Store. Although this will probably need updating/changing every other week as he switches who he skates for more often than anyone else I know. Maybe due to the team manager's from various companies not being able to handle his legendary status.
Finally if you are ever or do ever get to meet this chap I'm sure he'll welcome you with open arms as he is seriously one of the best dudes out there and we are more than happy to have part of our Black Sheep Family.