Seb Batty
Name: Seb Batty AKA Battybills
Age: 21
Sponsors: BS, Enjoi flow, Victoria Skate Co.
Currently residing: Wigan
Current set up: 8.25 Enjoi, 149 Indys, Skatepark Bearings
Go to skate shoes: New Balance
How long have you been Skating in Manchester and what’s your favourite spots: 2 years now, Stockky Ledges!
Who’s your favourite Black Sheep Family member and who’s the worst: Jiri AKA George AKA J.J BUBU AKA Best dude on a skateboard, worst would be he on? fuck...
Dish some dirt on your fellow Black Sheep Family: Reiss pushes mongo, he skates street ive seen it. just embarresed i guess.
Give us a little bit of your skate history from in and around Manchester: Im new here...Still
Why is Black Sheep the best shop and team: its a family, a dysfunctional one but still.
Childhood heroes in skating: Kenny Anderson, Rikk Howard-Words of wisdom: My my my my momma said, aligators are so angry because they have all dem teeth and no toothbrush.
What future plans for skating and lifestyling? No plans, just travel and have fun. I heard China Round 2 is happening next year.