Collection: 101 Skateboards

1991 marked the founding of 101 skateboards, Natas Kaupas lest his previous position and joined steve rocco to found 101 skateboards.

Natas wanted a way to express his artistic vision whilst still persuing what he loved- skateboarding. Within this company his artistic talents flourished and in the nineties they produced some of the most cutting edge skate videos with their pro team thus permanently innovating the skate video space forever more.

The brand lasted intil 1997, however in more recent times (post 2016) Dwindle has bought the rights to 101 skateboards and thus has started manufacturing reissues of their most famous decks. If you are looking for a new deck and want to pay homage to a legendary skate brand that has timeless and iconic designs shoping all of our 101 skateboard products can be a great way to do this. We stock these decks in many different sizes.



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